Our Vision

The vision of this blog is to help individuals live an inspiring, joyful, productive and exciting life through inspirational discussions, notes, quotations, bible verses, etc. All things that will promote healthy, wealthy and exciting life for all involved, just like God ordered.

The goal is to lift each other up and touch each other's lives by sharing experiences. What a person does not know, but need, another person can give. The receiver becomes blessed and joyful and encouraged to help others as he/she has been helped. The giver becomes enlarged and filled with joy as he/she has contributed to the progress of living, he/she has become a channel of blessings. Both lives become blessed.

Do you know that it gives God pleasure to give you all that your heart desires?, but it takes having the right knowledge of, and the understanding of, what is required to accomplish anything and the support of friends at these times are invaluable.

This blog is to allow us to help each other develop each other. A tree cannot, by itsef, make a forest, but groups of trees living and sharing side-by-side do make a forest, and guess what? provide environments for others to live. A candle loses nothing by lightning others.

This blog does not belong to one person, but belongs to ALL. please feel free to use it as you see fit.

I strongly believe we should share with others whatever knowledge God has allowed us, in his grace, to have learnt, through life experiences, through our personal relationships with God and through interacting with others.

We can do this by sharing our thoughts, feelings, emotions, life's ups and downs. Who doesn't have one ? all our experiences, what we have learnt from them. Ask any question you are seeking answer for. God has already provided answer for you through someone that will connect with you and you will get an answer of peace. You can ask your questions by posting it as a comment below or if it is rather private, please Click Here

I plan to posts thought-provoking articles every Monday and inspirational and uplifting quotes daily. The site will always be updated with comments from friends both here and on Facebook.

Successful living that brings glory to God? Now, my friends, that's what life and living is all about and this is what this blog is all about.

Love you much always,