
Coming soon......

Life Codes - Living With Boundless Faith And Fearless Codes
Book Description - Finding Strength and Encouragement in Everyday Words. We go about everyday just talking, not knowing that the words we speak are codes that are given to us through proverbs and quotes to decipher how the universe is suppose to work.

Woman Of Influence
Book Description - This book aptly describes the character portraits of a Woman of Influence. None can compare to this woman. She's powerful, resourceful, trustworthy, kind, and she's one smart cookie.

The Power Within
Book Descriiption - Every human being is created with powers that are unimaginable. Humans are divine, but too earthly, this book shows us exactly who we really are.

The Science Of Creation
Book Description - We are created in the image and likeness of God. That means we are empowered with every power of creation . We are co-creators with God. We create our own world.

Mind Virus
Book Descriiption - Since birth, men and women had been programmed to fail mainly due to erroneous teachings, values, tradition, cultures and all what-not that were not of God. Those things have grown with us to mold us into what we are today.....but there's a way out. This book teaches how powerful your mind is and how it is still controlling everything you do. If you understand how it works, then you can take absolute control of it and change your life.